Innovating Like Silicon Valley in Asset-Intensive Industries – A Research Proposal


QUT is seeking Industry or Government Partners in a collaborative research proposal, “Innovating Like Silicon Valley in Asset-Intensive Industries”, led by Professors Rob Perrons and Kevin Desouza.

Several research initiatives in the past have successfully unlocked how one industry’s secrets for excellence can be modified and adapted so that they can be effectively used in other sectors. By carefully studying and deconstructing the organisational tools and behaviours that deliver a culture of innovation at Silicon Valley giants like Google, Amazon, IBM and Intel, and then translating them to become appropriate for the targeted sectors, this research project aims to give Australia’s asset-intensive industries the tools and strategies that will allow them to innovate more aggressively, effectively,and quickly. In so doing, this project will offer a fresh approach to improving innovation in foundational parts of the Australian economy.

For further details, please Click Here for the flyer!