New Online Course from UN’s SDG Academy re: Managing Innovation in the Extractive Industries


We are delighted to announce the release of an online training course that Professor Rob Perrons of QUT has been developing for the United Nations SDG Academy titled “Managing Innovation and New Technologies in the Extractive Industries.”  The SDG Academy was established to give companies, governments, and stakeholders around the world the skills that they’ll need to breathe life into the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and deliver them in the real world.

Extractive industries like mining are at the heart of most countries’ energy transition ambitions, but managing technological change in these sectors remains a challenge.  Rob was accordingly invited by the UN’s SDG Academy to develop this online course over the past couple of years to help leaders in the extractive industries play their mission-critical role in making the energy transition happen in a useful timeframe.

The course is available by Clicking Here

The introduction video is available by Clicking Here